Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Satay Klatak from Pleret, Yogyakarta

Klatak satay is one of Indonesian traditional foods. but the food is different from the satay klatak from other regions in Indonesia. lamb satay seasoned with only salt and the sauce is from salt, garlic, onion, chili, bay leaves. Unique serving the entry is made of iron bars. To enjoy this satay klatak that you are in Jogja you just need to go to  Jejeran  market in Pleret. How far this place from downtown? it just 30 minutes from downtown. The vendors is not only in the market, but along the road east Imogiri many are selling it. It cost about Rp 10,000 - Rp 20,000 per portion. The vendors opened the stall from 18:00 hours until late night. Apart from that they also sell curry and tongseng. Come and enjoy the satay klatak